SYSTEM SETUPSYSTEM SETUP\General Admin & Security - SETUP TABGeneral Admin & Security - SETUP TAB\General Administration\ALERT REPORTS


My Daily Work à System Setup à General Admin & Securityà Alert Reports.

1.      To add a new record, click New, to change click Edit.

2.      To configure & deploy an Alert Report, specify the following data:

o   Enter Alert Report basic information. Note that, the Alert report code is usually similar to the Alert Subscription code.

o   Specify the content of this emails alert.

o   Determine when the alert will check the data from the ‘Before’ field and for how long it will check it from the ‘Period’ field. Those two fields refer to the duration during which the Query will run to send notifications to subscribers scheduled to be alerted for a certain purpose per alert.

o   Value Min & Max.: A user may specify a minimum & maximum limit for any numerical field recorded at the system database.

o   Copy Report: This link provides the capability of taking an exact copy from the Alert Report details with different 'Alert No'.

o   Deploy Current Report: Upload the current report to the reporting services server.

o   Deploy All Reports: Upload all reports to the reporting services server.

o   Alert Subscriptions: It prepares this kind of alerting reports to be activated. As it is responsible for specifying or selecting the predefined subscription and schedule recommended for enabling this report. Hence, one should press the Deploy current report ' link to insure its activation.

o   Deploy current report: Use this link to update the recorded details at the server dedicated for sending this notification (zero) or the whole notifications (1) that are common at the organization, in order to operate this type of notifications after defining and specifying various details at the ‘Alert Subscriptions’ link.

Edit Schedule: Allow user to edit and change in schedule.

Edit Subscription: Allow user to edit and change in subscription.

In addition, user can Export the Report query as a sheet.

o   Enable SMS: system enables to send SMS with Every Email User sent.

o   Delete Server Report: Used to Delete Server report.

o   Delete all Server Reports: Used to delete all Server reports.



Note that, this screen is entirely set via HITS Implementer/System Administrator.


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