My Daily Work à Mass Actions à HR Processing à Appraisal: Appraisal Batch Posting (Employees/Applicants)

1.      This mass action can be utilized to delete or post an appraisal template to asses a group of employees/applicants for evaluation purposes. Also this mass action can be used to update competencies for a group of employees/applicants, as per the results of the selected appraisal template which has been already posted upon these employees/applicants.

2.      Specify & apply required search criteria at the provided advanced filter; Searching link.

3.      Press Select link to check employees/applicants listed, as a result of the applied filtering criteria.

4.      Click Apply link to specify batch details, in terms of the following:

o   Specify appraisal template data & the relevant Workflow Document.

5.      Click Post to post the required appraisal template to a batch of employees/applicants.

6.      Click Delete to delete the specified appraisal template for the selected group of employees/applicants.

7.      Utilize Update Competencies link to update competencies for the selected employees, as per the results of the selected appraisal template which has been already posted upon these employees.


§  An applicant ID is displayed at the Select link form in terms of his/her Profile ID appended to the assignment number of the application.

§  the ‘Rank %’ column at the Select grid shows the total percentage that each employee/applicant has achieved within the required level of competencies; specified at the ‘Competencies’ filter tab, as per the selected competencies, the achieved level at each competency & the weight specified for each one.

§  The ‘Delete’ link will have no impact, in case any of the assigned appraisers took an action regarding the selected appraisal template(s).

§  Note that, competencies’ update is relevant to used rating method. Therefore, updating competencies is applied as per ‘Proficiency Levels’ configured for a certain rating scale specified per competency. Hence, in case of ‘Proficiency’ the template will check rating scale assigned per competency, while in case of ‘Performance’ rating, then all template competencies will be evaluated as per the common rating scale selected for this template.

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