How to avail Dashboard
Benefits ‘Dashboard’ comprises three main partitions demonstrating; dashboard graph, dashboard info & dashboard recap.
Dashboard Graph – ‘Payroll Interface’
This partition demonstrates a graph; which displays the amounts of benefit items’ paycodes posted upon this employee, as per the period specified by the user.
X-axis Relevance: signifies the codes of the
benefit items paycodes; which have been posted upon this employee within the
specified ‘Period’.
o Y-axis Relevance: indicates the amounts scale for the displayed benefit items paycodes.
o Graph Bar Tooltip: refers to the names of the benefit item paycode, the benefit item, the relevant benefit option & plan; along with the benefit item amount & paycode amount.
o Graph Bar Report: preview or print a report which displays the employee basic data & full transaction details for the clicked bar; along with the relevant ‘Payroll’ details for this benefit record within the selected period.
Dashboard Info – ‘Plans Details’
This partition lists details for the approved benefit records for opened plans recorded for this employee.
Dashboard Recap – ‘Debit Credit Details’
This partition shows a pie graph referring to the total credit & debit percentages for an opened & approved (benefit plan – benefit option) record; as per ‘Options’ drop down list selection. Note that, the Yellow color signifies the ‘Credit’ amount, while the Light Blue color refers to the ‘Debit’ amount.
Manipulating “Benefits” Records Grid
To Change a benefit
record, press the relevant icon per record to edit the details saved at a
prior instance. Note that, both of the ‘Attachments’ & ‘Items’ links will
be provided per record at the edit mode.
To Delete a record,
press the provided icon ,
then click ‘Ok’ at the verification form, in case of omitting an incorrect
o To check Details report per record, use the same icon to check relevant report per record.
To append any attachment
relevant to this record, utilize the Attach icon
o Press Close/Open link; either to close this benefit plan record without the deletion of the record, or to open this benefit record which has been closed at a prior instance.
o Note that, in case of closing a benefit plan record, both of the Edit icon & Benefit items link; at the benefits daily operations grid will be inactive for this record.
o Press Benefit Items to post the required benefit item(s) at this (Benefit Plan-Option) record, as per this benefit plan setup configuration.
Print Menu
Contains some featured report and it configurable.
· User can configure the menu from
· My Daily work “Pane” à System Set up “tape” à System Reportsà Catalog
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