My Daily Work à Mass Actions à Payrollà Change Insurance Limit

1.      This mass action is used only in Arab countries; especially Egypt. It can be utilized once per year to specify employees’ social insurance values for the current year & update them next year, as per ‘Payroll Group’ setup. Employees’ social insurance values are calculated via this batch, in case the following ‘Payroll Group’ options were not checked, or at least one of them; ‘ Calculate Variable Insurance Amount from Paycodes’ & ‘ Calculate Fixed Insurance Amount from Paycodes’. In other words, employees’ social insurance values are specified & posted using this batch; not calculated automatically, as per the paycodes which have an impact on fixed/variable insurance values; calculated per employee.

2.      Specify & apply required search criteria at the provided advanced filter; Searching link.

3.      Press Select link to check employees listed, as a result of the applied filtering criteria.

4.      Click Apply link to specify batch details, in terms of the following:

o   Specify مبلغ التأمين المطلوب تغييره section details via the provided two check boxes to calculate & post the value of the fixed or variable insurance in a batch. Note that, in case of selecting ‘ مبلغ التأمين الثابت’ check box, there will be no check mark at the ‘ Fixed Insurance Applicable’ option at relevant paycode(s) setup, as the system will not calculate fixed insurance based on certain paycodes. Also the same goes for selecting ‘ مبلغ التأمين المُتغيِّر’ check box & there will be no check mark at ‘ Variable Insurance Applicable’ option at relevant paycode(s) setup.

o   Select one of the following three methodologies at the طريقة حساب الأجر المُتغيِّر section, to deduce the income upon which variable insurance will be calculated:

ü  مُتوسط الأجر المُتغيِّر لسنة سابِقة : Enter the previous year within which the average variable insurance will be calculated per employee.

ü  نسبة من المرتب الأساسي الحالي: Specify the percentage upon which the variable insurance will be calculated from an employee’s total salary.

ü  البنود المُتغيِّرة المُكونة للأجر المُتغيِّر الحالي: The system will calculate the total amount of the ‘Variable Insurance Applicable’ paycodes per employee; within the current period.

Also إضافة ما يزيد عن الحد الأقصى من الثابت’ option can be selected to enable the system to add the amount exceeding the ‘Max Monthly Fixed Value’ specified during ‘Insurance Rule’ setup, to the variable insurance.

o   Utilize إضافة بيان تعديل حالة الموظف section to post relevant Change of Status record; tracking the new values for the posted Insurance amounts, if required. This posted Change of Status record will update “Profile” data at a specific ‘Effective Date’.

o   Utilize اختيار الموظفين المُراد تغيير تأميناتهم section to apply more filtering criteria upon employees whose insurance amounts will be changed. Note that, these specified criteria will be applied upon the displayed list of Employees at the second batch step.

5.      Press Apply Insuranceتطبيق التأمينات link to change the insurance amounts for the selected group of employees; along with posting the relevant change of status records, if required.

6.      Click Export link to export the details which were loaded to an excel sheet, if required.


§  This mass action automatically updates “Profile” data; whether a change of status record was posted or not. Thus, this mass action can be utilized, in case of updating incorrect insurance data entries.

§  This mass action can be utilized more than one time within a year, as per business needs.


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