How to avail Dashboard
Competencies ‘Dashboard’ comprises 3 main partitions demonstrating; dashboard graph, dashboard info & dashboard recap.
Dashboard Graph – ‘Final Competencies’
This partition
demonstrates a graph; which displays a comparison between the employee current level per competency, &
the set maximum level required to be achieved, as per organization
o X-axis Relevance: signifies the code number specified for each displayed competency.
o Y-axis Relevance: indicates the achieved score percentage at each competency.
o Bar Color Relevance: This bar will display two appended graph bars with two color indicators per competency:
· Blue background color refers to the maximum limit required to be achieved per competency, as per requirements set by selection in the ‘Competency Type’ list.
Red background color
refers to current employee level per competency.
o Graph Bar Tooltip: refers to the competency name & the employee current level. Also it mentions the required range of competency levels, as per set organization policy & selection at the ‘Competence Type’ list.
o Graph Bar Report: preview or print a report which displays full details for competency setup & configuration; in terms of competence name, description, behavioral indicators & reference data.
Dashboard Info – ‘Final Competencies’
This partition lists some details for the latest level for each required competency type, as per the last date for recording updates on the level of any of these required competencies.
o Press ‘Career Path’ link to preview career path graph relevant to this employee, & any competencies requirements set by the organization.
Dashboard Recap – ‘Employee KPI’
This partition lists three percentages that indicates the employee’s performance, through verifying how far the current performance of this employee corresponds with the required competencies’ levels as per job, position or organization setup.
Manipulating “Competencies” Records Grid
To Change a record,
press the relevant icon per record to edit competencies details that
were saved at a prior instance.
To Delete a record,
press the provided icon ,
then click ‘Ok’ at the verification form, in case of omitting an incorrect
o To check Details report per record, use the same icon to check relevant report per record.
To append any attachment
relevant to this record, utilize the Attach icon .
Print Menu
Contains some featured report and it configurable.
· User can configure the menu from
· My Daily work “Pane” à System Set up “tape” à System Reportsà Catalog
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