My HR à Self Service à Objectives à
Get external Batch posting
1. This is a new mass action used to import employees’ Objectives and the Objective parameters (Max, Target, Threshold…etc.) from an external data source. Also, there is a “Work Flow Doc.” Option, so if checked the imported records can go through the selected workflow Document and get approved/ rejected via the predefined Self Service Roles.
2. Prepare a relevant excel sheet with the following columns structure; (‘Emp. ID’, ‘Name’ Objective name, Objective &Objective status...etc.)
3. Choose File to select the predefined excel sheet, then press Import link.
4. Verify & edit imported data at the grid, via Edit link per record to mark □ Post check box.
5. You may utilize; Select All, Deselect All, Select Current Page or Deselect Current Page.
6. Click Post to post the Objectives for the selected group of employees.