My Daily Workà Mass Actionsà Vacation à GET EXTERNAL VACATION RECORDS

1.      This mass action can be utilized to Get new Vacation records for a group of employees; via an external Excel sheet.

2.      Prepare a relevant excel sheet with the following columns structure; (‘Emp. ID’, ‘Name’ & Vacation Name, Date from / to status,..etc)

3.      Use Vacation Policy: Checking this option will apply the vacation policies (configured in the Vacation Packages) on the imported Vacation records.

4.      Cancel in case of intersection: Checking this option will enable the following behavior:

5.      In case the sheet includes a vacation record that intersects with an approved Vacation record on the system, then the record in the imported Excel sheet will be ignored.

6.      In case the sheet includes 2 intersected records, then the first one will be accepted while the other one will be ignored.

7.    Unchecking this option will lead to ignoring the whole Excel sheet if the sheet includes one of the above 2 cases (i.e. the sheet includes 2 intersected records or there is an intersection between the Excel sheet and the system).

8.      With Workflow: Checking this option will initiate a workflow cycle for all the submitted Vacation records that are imported via the Excel sheet.

9.      Choose File to select the predefined excel sheet, then press Import link.

10.  Verify & edit imported data at the grid, via Edit link per record to mark Post check box.

11.  You may utilize; Select All, Deselect All, Select Current Page or Deselect Current Page.

12.  Click Post to post the specified Vacation Records for the selected group of employees.

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