My Daily Work à System Setup à Misconduct à Misconduct Second.
1. To add a new record, click New, to change click Edit.
2. To configure a Misconduct Second record, specify the following data:
o Select the disciplinary action for which a second financial impact will be applied, in terms of deducting a specific percentage from a certain paycode.
o Enter the percentage that will be deducted, as a second financial impact for this disciplinary action.
o Select the predefined paycode from which a specified percentage will be deducted.
o Specify the range of days within which the fine misconduct days at the first ‘Misconduct screen will be spotted. Accordingly, the system will apply the entered percentage from the selected paycode at this fine misconduct second record.
Only one record can
be defined per misconduct reaction; like ‘Warning’, at this setup form.
However, multiple records can be defined for second financial impact for ‘Fine’
misconducts, to cover for the fine days’ issue.
Misconduct Second
paycode should have the following configuration:
ü Paycode ‘Type’: (Deduction).
ü Paycode ‘Data Type’: (Percentage) calculated on another
paycode, as per organization policy and procedures.
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