My Daily Work à System Setup à Payroll à Paycodes.
1. To add a new record, click New, to change click Edit.
2. To configure a Paycode record, enter the following data:
o Specify the paycode Basic Data, Frequency & Data Type. Decide if its value will be added to Total Salary.
o Specify if the paycode will be Earning or Deduction from the employee, or systematic paycode.
o Define the required Calculation scope & Calculated On details.
o Specify the relevant Tax & Exemption details; along with Printing Data at pay-slip.
o Apply the required selections at the Other Info section, which includes a number of check boxes affecting the performance of this paycode regarding various issues. For example, some of these selections will dictate paycode status regarding GL, Insurance, Salary Scale, Service Charge & Cost Allocation, etc.
o Specify relevant Prorated Paycode, in case posting may take place for a previous period.
o Enter a proper External Code for this paycode, in case the company had an HR legacy system before implementing HITS HRMS, for mapping purposes.
User can Determines the validation period
from start date to end date, also can attach any file determining its
Description & Entry date.
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