SYSTEM SETUPSYSTEM SETUP\General Admin & Security - SETUP TABGeneral Admin & Security - SETUP TAB\General Administration\SERVICES


My Daily Work à System Setup à General Admin & Securityà Services.

1.      To add a new record, click New, to change click Edit.

2.      To configure a Service record, specify the following data:

4.      Enter Service basic information, in terms of Code, Name & Type.

5.      Suppliers: Select various suppliers who may provide this service via predefined drop down list, then enter the relevant code for each supplier, which is an alphanumeric field. In addition, specify the usual cost for this service, the used currency per supplier; also can choose starting date for this Record.

3.      User can Determines the validation period from start date to end date; also can attach any file determining its Description & Entry date.


§  Services and Suppliers details are configured in ‘General Admin & Security’ tab, because their details are utilized in various modules. for instance:

ü  A user may record details for ‘Training Centers’ in the “Training” module.

ü  A user may record details regarding ‘Vehicles Providers’, ‘Insurance Institutions’ and ‘Stores’ in the “Benefit” module.

ü  Concerning “Recruitment” module, an organization may utilize the services of ‘Recruiting Agencies’ and ‘Newspapers’.

ü  Concerning “Medical” module, a user may use services and suppliers for medical insurance locations like; ‘Hospitals’, ‘Pharmacies’ and ‘Insurance Companies’.


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