How to avail Dashboard

Time Permission ‘Dashboard’ comprises 3 main partitions demonstrating; dashboard graph, dashboard info & dashboard recap.


Dashboard Graph – ‘Employee (Over/Short) TIME Management’

This partition demonstrates a graph which displays the number of occurrences for each time permission request recorded for this employee, as per the record status; within the period specified by the user.

o   X-axis Relevance: signifies the unique codes for the displayed time permissions; recorded for this employee.

o   Y-axis Relevance: indicates number of occurrences for each displayed time permission request.

o   Bar Color Relevance: refers to time permission records Status.

o   Graph Bar Tooltip: refers to the time permission name, its (over/short) permission type, rounding method & rounding number, as per system setup; along with the number of occurrences for this time Permission recorded for this employee.

o   Graph Bar Report: preview or print a report displaying full details for records of the same permission name within the selected period.

Dashboard Info – ‘(Over/Short) Permissions Categories’

This partition displays the total number of the approved time permission records for this employee within the specified ‘Period’ per (Over/Short) permission category; along with the total number of the permitted hours for each listed (Over/Short) permission type.

Dashboard Recap – ‘(Over/Short) Grand Totals’

This partition displays the grand total for the approved time permission records for this employee within the specified ‘Period’ .in terms of Over & Short; along with the total number of hours for both the over &short time.


Manipulating “TIME Management” Records Grid

o   To Change a time permission record, press the relevant icon  per record to edit the details saved at a prior instance.

o   To Delete a record, press the provided icon , then click ‘Ok’ at the verification form, in case of omitting an incorrect record.

o   To check Details report per record, use the same icon to check relevant report per record.

o   Time shift: New version DNA 2017 provides User to enter specific shift which was installed at set up, from daily operation screen.

o   Time attendance: New version DNA 2017 provides User to enter new vacation per employee, from daily operation screen.

o   Time permission: New version DNA 2017 provides User to enter new Permission per employee.

o   To append any attachment relevant to this record, utilize the Attach icon .

Print Menu  

·        Contains some featured report and it configurable.

·        User can configure the menu from

·        My Daily work “Pane” à  System Set up “tape” à System Reportsà Catalog

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