My Daily Work à System Setup à Time Management à Time Rules.
1. To add a new record, click New, to change click Edit.
2. To configure a Time Rule record, specify the following data:
3. Enter Time rule basic information, in terms of Code, Name & Default Shift type & assignment interval.
4. Check the ‘□ Use Time Machine’ option, to retrieve sign in & sign out readings from Time Keeping database.
5. Specify Attendance Sheet Defaults relevant to this rule, in order to maintain accuracy between “Time Management”, “Attendance Sheet” & “Vacation”. Therefore, a user may check ‘□ Use Vacation Package for Day Off and Holidays’ option, to retrieve holidays & days off from employee vacation package. Then select vacation types that will be loaded to Attendance Sheet, in case of absence, holidays & days off.
6. Select proper paycodes responsible for payroll integration concerning over time, short time & allowance.
7. Configure Over & Short time calculation at this rule, as per the following options:
o □ Fixed Hours: Mark this option, so that the system can calculate over and short time for employees as per number of working hours per shift, and not time in & out.
o □ Per Shift Part: Mark this option to apply over/short rules on each shift part; so that each part will be handled separately as per shift parts’ start and end.
o □ Accumulate Over/Short Ranges value: Use this option to be able to calculate employee over/short values, as per the applied time keeping rule slices, in an accumulative manner.
o □ Use Permission Short: Use this option to activate the impact of short time permissions on time keeping calculations.
o □ Use Permission Over: Use this option to activate the impact of overtime permissions on time keeping calculations.
o □ Post to Payroll: Check this option to apply the impact of over, short and allowance details at this rule on payroll calculation. Accordingly, relevant employees’ over and short records will be loaded via ‘Get Time Keepings Records’ mass action.
o □ First In Last Out: This check box enables the system to calculate the number of working hours based on the interval of time recorded between the first Sign In and the last Sign Out.
· Default Shift: Select default shift(s) that will be assigned automatically starting from the set date, as per selected interval.
Permission Policy:
Specify the required permission policy
criteria that can be applied per permission type at a time rule, in order to
monitor time permissions submission within the organization, either via warning
or prevention. Therefore, to activate any of these three criteria per
permission policy record, put a check mark at the
provided check box per policy feature.
o □ Permission Period: Mark this option, to specify minimum and/or maximum number of hours that are allowed per request for this permission type.
o □ Max. Total Hours that can be taken within a period: specify the maximum number of hours that can be taken within a certain period. To specify this period enter the ‘Every’ digit referring to a certain ‘Unit’, starting from a certain date, as per applied selection at the ‘Since’ drop down list.
o □ Maximum No. of repetition of the Permission allowed within a period: specify the maximum number of repetition/submission for this permission type within a certain period. To specify this period enter the ‘Every’ digit referring to a certain ‘Unit’, starting from a certain date, as per applied selection at the ‘Since’ drop down list.
Daily Calculations
1. Configure Daily Calculations at this rule, as per the following options:
2. □Calculate Short-Time: Mark
this option, so that the system can calculate short time for employees Daily
3. □Post Vac-Due in
Workflow: Mark this option for
applying workflow cycle.
4. □Calculate Over-Time: Mark
this option, so that the system can calculate over time for employees daily.
□Post Vac-Due Daily: Mark
this option, so that the system can Post the vacation due for employees daily.
6. Vacation Due: to post at the payroll with set up paycode.
7. Vacation Due to pay: User can know how much he will pay
for compensation to the employee.
1. User can configure over / Short for the employees by filling the following options:
2. Enter Over / Short basic information, in terms of type, Min Hours of work, Max Hours of work,
3. Specify from Incident Number to Incident number
4. From Hours / To hours: User can specify in which hour will calculate over and short time for the employee per shift.
5. Specify which rounding method will use, also Specify the value of the rounding by filling round to field
6. Specify the pay code will affect at the pay roll for vacation due,
7. Specify No. of working Days.
8. Specify misconduct paycode , specify the factor ,
9. Specify the standard shift for the employees. From the setup shifts.
10. Post Vac-Due in Workflow: Check this option to apply work flow cycle
Period Calculations
1. User can configure Period Calculations for the employees by filling the following options:
2. Working Period: User can choose specific period from built in menu weekly, every 2 weeks or monthly.
3. Start at: every which day.
4. Required Hours: for this specified period.
5. Vacation Due: to post at the payroll with set up paycode.
6. Vacation Due to pay: User can know how much he will pay for compensation to the employee.
7. Workflow: Mark this option for applying
workflow cycle.
8. Calculate Short-Time: Mark this option,
so that the system can calculate short time for employees Daily
Calculate Over-Time: Mark this option,
so that the system can calculate over time for employees daily.
1. User can configure over / Short for the employees by filling the following options:
2. Enter Over / Short basic information, in terms of type, Min Hours of work, Max Hours of work,
3. From Hours / To hours: User can specify in which hour will calculate over and short time for the employee per shift.
4. Specify which rounding method will use, Also Specify the value of the rounding by filling round to field
Hourly Payroll
1. User can configure Hourly Payroll for the employees by filling the following options:
2. □Hourly Payroll: Check this option to active the hourly payroll part.
3. Specify Normal Working Hours/Day for the employees.
4. Max Over Hours/Day: User can make a limit for over time by filling this field.
5. Paycode: Specify the paycode, which will affect the payroll.
1. User can configure over / Short for the employees by filling the following options:
2. Enter Over / Short basic information, in terms of type, Min Hours of work, Max Hours of work,
3. From Hours / To hours: User can specify in which hour will calculate over and short time for the employee per shift.
4. Specify which rounding method will use, Also Specify the value of the rounding by filling round to field.
6. User can Determines the validation period from start date to end date, also can attach any file determining its Description & Entry date.
§ ‘Default Shift’ link will enable users to specify default shift(s) that will be assigned automatically on employees upon which this time rule will be applied, as per the interval of assigned default shift(s). These specified default shifts will be displayed & monitored at ‘My HR’ Navigation Tap à ‘Time Management’ Icon à ‘Time Shift’ & ‘Attendance & Shifts’ Links. Also any specified default vacation type selected will be displayed & monitored at ‘My HR’ Navigation Tap à ‘Time Management’ Icon à ‘Attendance Sheet’ & ‘Attendance & Shifts’ Links.
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