My HR à Self Service à Vacationà
Vacation Batch Posting (Taken)
1. This mass action can be utilized to post or delete any vacation record for a group of employees, regardless of the category to which this vacation type belongs; whether Annual, Days Off or Holidays.
2. Specify & apply required search criteria at the provided advanced filter; Searching link.
3. Press Select link to check employees listed, as a result of the applied filtering criteria.
4. Click Apply link to specify batch details, in terms of the following:
a. Specify required vacation ‘From’-‘To’ duration.
i. Enter a specific duration in case of posting/deleting types relevant to ‘Annual Category’.
ii. A user may enter a range of dates in case of posting/deleting types belonging to ‘Day Off’ or ‘Holiday’ categories, as the system will apply filtration as per ‘Vacation Package’ setup details, either regarding (Fixed Day Off days) or as per (Calendar Holidays).
b. Select required vacation ‘Category’ & ‘Vacation’ type.
5. Click Post to post the required vacation record to a batch of employees.
6. Click Delete to delete the specified vacation record for the selected group of employees.