My Daily Work à Mass Actions à General Admin & Securityà Backup Database
1. This mass action can be utilized to take a full password encrypted backup directly from database via using the application interface for data confidentiality.
2. Enter the path upon which this backup will be saved. This path is usually at the server being used.
3. Enter the backup ‘File Name’.
4. Enter the required encrypted ‘Backup Password’ & confirm it.
5. Press
‘Backup’ link to take this database backup, after pressing ‘Ok’ at the verification
form which will be displayed.
6. The displayed grid lists the database backup records in terms of ‘Backup Date’, ‘Backup Disc Name’, ‘Backup File Name’ & the name of the user who took this database backup.
§ An SQL Job can be used to restore a certain
backup file which has an encrypted password via using ‘HITS_BACKUP RESTORE
§ This mass action should be provided
only for the users who are responsible for performing these critical changes
upon the system by themselves; for example, the payroll master, in addition to
the periodical backups taken by the server.
It is recommended to enable this mass
action only to one authorized person who will act as the DB backup operator
& the only one having the password used in taking backups.
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