My HR à Self Service à Vacationà” Get External Vacation Due Adjustment
1. This mass action can be utilized to get external vacation due adjustment data for employees via using an excel sheet. Thus, it enables a user to reset or modify an employee’s vacation ‘Balance’ & to post or delete vacation due adjustment records for the selected employees.
2. Prepare a relevant excel sheet with the following columns structure; Emp Id’, ‘Name’, & ‘Days’. A user may also enter the following columns; if needed ‘System Messages’ & ‘Post’. The excel sheet data will be imported to the system database, in order to post or delete the required due adjustment records.
3. Specify the required ‘Vacation Due’ adjustment transaction from the predefined drop down list.
4. Enter the proper ‘Activity Date’ which signifies the exact effective date for applying these imported due adjustments.
5. Choose File to select the predefined excel sheet, then press Import link.
6. Verify & edit imported data at the grid, via Edit link per record to mark □ Post check box.
7. You may utilize; Select All, Deselect All, Select Current Page or Deselect Current Page.
8. Click Post to post the specified due adjustment records for the selected group of employees.
9. A user can click Delete to apply batch deletion for due adjustment records recorded for these employees with the exported number of days with the set signs.