My Daily Work à Mass Actions à Payroll à Get Payroll Data from External System

1.      This mass action can be utilized to import all payroll values from an external system to the “Payroll” records at HITS DNA via an external Excel sheet. Note that, importing the payroll data will be applied successfully, only in case the paycodes are connected accurately to ‘External Code’ fields; located at the paycode setup form for mapping purposes

2.      Prepare a relevant excel sheet with the following columns structure; ‘Emp. Id’, ‘Name’, ‘Paycode’, ‘Input Amount’, ‘Amount’ .Afterwards, you may specify the value of the ‘Post’ column; either with value (1) for posting or (0) for not posting.

3.      Specify ‘Input Amount’ & ‘Amount’ columns at the excel sheet; so that this mass action imports them as per the paycode ‘Type’ configured during system setup; due to the fact that this mass action does not calculate the paycode ‘Amount’, as per the ‘Input Amount’ entered at the excel sheet. Thus, the required payroll data will be entered at the excel sheet, as follows:

o   The values of the paycode; whose ‘Data Type’ was configured as ‘Amount’, will be entered at the ‘Amount’ column.

o   The values of the paycode; whose ‘Data Type’ was configured as ‘Days’, ‘Hours’ or ‘Percentage’ will be entered at the ‘Input Amount’ column.

o   The ‘External Codes’ which were mapped with the predefined paycodes during system setup will be entered at the ‘Paycode’ column.

4.      Select the required ‘Payroll Group’, in order to import paycodes amounts for the employees who belong to this payroll group.

5.      Choose File to select the predefined excel sheet, then press Import link.

6.      Verify & edit imported data at the grid, via Edit link per record to mark Post check box.

7.      You may utilize; Select All, Deselect All, Select Current Page or Deselect Current Page.

8.      Check the imported payroll data before posting, via pressing Print link.

9.      Click Post to load a batch of “Payroll” records for the selected group of employees; whose ‘Post’ check box is marked at the displayed ‘Batch Data’ section.


§  The ‘External Code’ field; provided at the paycode setup form, enables a user to import records of various paycode types for the same employee at the same time via utilizing an excel sheet.

§  The paycode is serialized by two codes. The first code is the main one; which signifies this paycode at HITS DNA system (Internal Code). However, the second code represents the (External Code) for this paycode at the external system.

This mass action does not calculate the paycode ‘Amount’, as per the ‘Input Amount’ specified at the excel sheet, yet it only imports the data specified at the ‘Amount’ & ‘Input Amount’ columns. Note that, the equivalent ‘Amount’ of a paycode’s ‘Input Amount’ will be calculated via applying the “Payroll” calculations.




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