My Daily Work à Employee Files à Payroll à New.
1. Specify the required information at the Amount & Comment sections, which are relevant to the selected paycode.
2. Specify My Form entries, if any.
3. Then press Save.
o Check the ‘□ Inactive’ option to deactivate this paycode record for this employee at the current payroll period; without losing the entered details. Note that, this inactive paycode can be reactivated later on to apply the impact of this paycode record at future payroll periods, as required.
o This employee’s GL account number at the utilized Back Office System can be entered at the provided ‘Paycode GL’ field.
o The ‘Amount’ field is a calculated one; which displays the equivalent amount for the entered ‘Input Type’ value. Hence, input amount & amount are the same when the paycode ‘Input Type’ is (Amount).
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