My Daily Work à Mass Actions à Recruitmentà Select Candidate

1.      This mass action can be utilized to select candidates via complex criteria of filtering which create a candidate Short List, especially through an accurate combination between competencies & qualifications. Also, this mass action can be utilized to post an appraisal template(s) or interview record for a group of applicants.

2.      Specify & apply required search criteria at the provided advanced filter; Searching link; especially the required range of ‘Competencies’ levels.

3.      Press Select link to check applicants/employees listed, as a result of the applied filtering criteria.

4.      Click Apply link to specify batch details, in terms of the following:

o   Specify candidate appraisal data, in case of posting an appraisal template(s).

o   Specify required interview data, in case of posting an interview record.

5.      Click Appraisal Batch to post the required appraisal template(s) to a batch of applicants.

6.      Click Interview Batch to post the specified interview for the selected group of applicants.

7.      Click Export link to export the resulting candidates’ short list, as per the applied filtering criteria, to use it in the ‘Staffing & Selection’ process taking place.


§  An applicant ID is displayed at the Select link form in terms of his/her Profile ID appended to the assignment number of the application.

§  the ‘Rank %’ column at the Select grid shows the total percentage that each applicant has achieved within the required level of competencies range; specified at the ‘Competencies’ filter tab, as per the selected competencies, the achieved level at each competency & the weight specified for each one.

§  Ranking displayed with ‘Zeros’ denotes that the competencies required from the listed applicants/employees are not checked as being essential.

§  Ranking order is listed at the exported file at this mass action; stated & specified per assignment or application. However, Competencies’ levels are assessed & filtered upon based on the overall score of competencies per applicant/employee, & not per assignment.


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