My Daily Work à Mass Actions à Payroll à Send Bank Payment Details

1.      This mass action can be utilized to export an excel sheet or text file; which includes payroll bank transfer transactions for a certain payroll group & send it to the organization account number at any bank. Accordingly, the bank will be able to transfer the exported payroll values to the employees’ account numbers at this bank via utilizing a bank transfer payment type(s).

2.      Select the required ‘Payroll Group’ from the predefined drop down list which displays the (Payroll Groups Bank Drivers); configured for integration with a certain bank. Note that, upon selecting the payroll group, the system will reload the page & retrieve the current ‘Period’, ‘Year’ & ‘Run No.’ for this payroll group; along with the relevant ‘Bank’, ‘Account No.’ & ‘Unique No.’ for the organization, as per the selected payroll group bank driver setup.

3.      Select the required ‘File Format’ for the exported file from the provided built-in list; (Text) or (Excel).

4.      Utilize ‘Payment Type’ &/or ‘Bank’ fields; provided at the Payment Data section to apply filtering criteria upon the employees who belong to the selected payroll group.

5.      Select the required ‘Currency’ of the payroll values that will be exported & sent to the bank.

6.      Select ‘ This Run No only’ option to export the payroll transfer transactions for one pay run only; whose number will be specified from the provided drop down list at ‘Run No’ field. However, ‘ Total Till This Run No’ option can be selected, in case the payroll transfer transactions will be exported for more than one pay run; starting from the first run number at the current period till the selected ‘Run No’.

7.      Click Send link to export the payroll transfer transactions for the employees who belong to the selected payroll group to the bank. Then, the exported bank transfer file can be opened or saved at the required location.


§  Bank transfer records for closed periods can’t be exported.

§  The Payroll Group; for which no ‘Payroll Group Bank Driver’ was configured will not be displayed at the ‘Payroll Group’ drop down list; provided at this mass action.

§  The ‘Payment Type’ multi selection screen at this mass action displays all the predefined payment types; which have been configured as (Bank Transfer) during payment type setup.


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