My Daily Work à Mass Actions à Vacationà Update Vacation with Time Records
1. This mass action can be utilized to update vacation records for a group of employees, as per their actual time keeping records. It creates & posts a vacation record with an (Absent) type for employees whose [signs in] & [signs out] readings were not detected; despite being assigned to certain shifts. Thus, this mass action will first check [signs in] & [signs out] readings, the assigned shifts details & the time permission records for all employees or the selected ones.
2. A user can avoid applying any filtration, so that the system can verify which employees will need a posted (Absent) record. However, users may apply required search criteria at the provided advanced filter; APPLY link.
3. Press Employees link to check employees listed, as a result of the applied filtering criteria.
4. Click Apply link to specify batch details, in terms of the following:
o Specify required attendance duration; within which the selected employees may have been absent.
o Select the relevant workflow document, if required.
5. Click Update Vacation to update vacation records for the selected group of employees, as per their actual time keeping records.
§ The best practice for using this mass
action is not to apply filtering criteria, to track missing data at time
keeping & vacation for all employees, despite of having assigned
§ This mass action posts the predefined vacation type selected
at ‘Vacation Absent’ field during Time Rule
setup. Thus, the utilization of this mass action depends on the ‘Time Keeping
Rule’ selected for each employee at the Hire/Terminate form in an employee's
“Profile” record.
§ No (Absent) vacation record will be posted for the employees
who have approved time permission records within the specified duration &
those having shift of type (Mission), although they have no in/out readings on
these days. Note that, report number (1651) “Emp Absent Analysis”
considers these two issues.
§ The system will skip intelligently the selected employees who
were not absent within the specified ‘Attendance’ duration & those for whom
(Absent) vacation records; with the same vacation details, have been entered previously.
§ In case
a workflow document was selected, the status of the posted (Absent) vacation
records would be ‘Submitted’. However, if no workflow document was specified,
the (Absent) vacation records will be posted with ‘Approved’ status.
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