My Daily Work à System Setup à Vacation à Vacation Packages.
1. To add a new record, click New, to change click Edit.
2. To specify entries for a certain Vacation Package, apply the following:
o Enter Vacation Package basic information, along with checking ‘□ Add Holiday To Vac. Type’ in case there is a need to add the official holidays to the selected vacation category.
o Specify Monthly Due working months, up to five slices starting from the hiring date for the three vacation categories.
o Specify Monthly Due in terms of days as per age years, up to five slices starting from employee’s birth date for the three vacation categories.
Holidays Calendar:
User can determine the holiday days at the holidays calendar.
o Check ‘□ Add Day Off To Vac. Type’, in case the organization policy dictates that days off will be added to the selected vacation category.
o Check ‘□ Do not Count Day Off if Holiday’ in case the organization policy dictates not counting days off intersecting with holidays, in order not to affect Days Off balance.
o Check ‘◙ None’ in case days off will not be tracked for employees.
o Check ‘◙ Fixed Days/Week’ in order to select the one or two fixed days off per week from the two provided drop down lists; as per organization policy.
o Check ‘◙ No. of Days/Year’ to enter the total number of days off per year, in case of taking accumulative days off.
o In case of balance transfer during end of year process, enter rounding value; in terms of days at ‘Round To (Days)’ field. Then, select the proper rounding method from the provided ‘Method’ drop down list.
o Check ‘□ Annual’, ‘□ Holidays’, or ‘□ Days Off’ at the ‘Transfer Previous Balance Up to (Days)’ feature, in order to enter the maximum number of days that can be transferred from the current year to next year balance.
Vacation Policy:
Specify the required vacation policy
criteria that can be applied per vacation type at a vacation package, in order
to monitor vacation requests submission within the organization, via either
warning or prevention. Therefore, to activate configurations for any of these
rules, put a check mark at the
provided check box per rule.
ü □ Vacation Period: Mark this option to specify the permitted maximum and minimum number of days that can be requested from this vacation type.
ü □ Balance: If checked, it will monitor and verify balance before and after the requested vacation type, to be accepted as per organization policy. In addition, a user can specify that the balance “as of date” calculation is based on either the end of the year/month at payroll.
ü □ Maximum balance before requesting a vacation: Check this option to specify the validity of requesting the vacation by specifying ‘Maximum balance before’ taking the vacation and its category until certain period; as per organization policy.
ü □ Max. Total Days that can be taken within a Period: Check this option to specify the total ‘Maximum No.’ of allowed days that can be taken ‘Every’ certain period; along with specifying the time ‘Unit’ for this period ‘Since’ a specific date; as per organization policy.
ü □ Maximum No. of Repetition of the Vacation allowed within a Period: Check this option to specify the ‘Maximum No.’ of times allowed to repeat requesting a certain vacation type ‘Every’ specific period; along with specifying the time ‘Unit’ for this period ‘Since’ a specific date, as per organization policy.
ü □ The Possibility of requesting a Vacation starting from: Check to specify a period of time, after which an employee can start requesting a vacation type via inserting this period at ‘Allow No.’ field, along with specifying a time ‘Unit’ for it ‘Since’ a certain date, as per organization policy.
ü □ The Validity of requesting a Vacation until: Check to specify the period during which an employee is allowed to request this vacation type, and this period starts from the end date of the selected ‘Since Vacation’ type. However, in case this period has passed starting from the end of the selected taken vacation via the ‘Since Vacation’ link. Then the employee will be warned or prevented to save/submit the above vacation type, for which this policy is configured.
ü □ The Validity of requesting a Vacation before Start Date: Check to specify the minimum period required before applying a vacation request for a certain type; as per policy.
o User can Determines the validation period from start date to end date
o User can attach any file determining its Description & Entry date.
§ □ Consider
Vacation affects Annual Due
check box is provided at both (□ Max.
Total Days that can be taken within a Period) & (□ Maximum No. of Repetition of the Vacation
allowed within a Period), so that the system may deduct the equivalent
vacation due days from the affected Due vacation categories, spotted during the
requested vacation period; as per vacation type setup & its policy rule.
§ □ Consider Vacation Codes during
Calculation: This
link will be utilized when a user needs to apply the specified maximum number
of days not only for this configured vacation[CM1] type at this policy, but also for other
vacation types through selections from the list provided at this link.
§ Note that, a user
cannot create more than one record for each vacation type at the vacation
policy. Hence, the system will display the following error message to inform
the user of this duplication issue.
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