My Daily Work à System Setup à Vacation à Vacation Types.
1. To add a new record, click New, to change click Edit.
2. To configure a Vacation Type record, enter the following data:
o Enter vacation type basic information, along with its significant Legend Code & Color at the Attendance Sheet.
o Select the vacation Category whose balance will be affected by the taken from this vacation type. Also, if the taken from this vacation type will affect the Due of any of the three vacation categories, then apply selection at Affected Due Category drop down lists.
o Check ‘□ Use Day Factor’, in case there is a need to activate day factor usage during calculation for this vacation type. Then enter the required day factor, as per organization policy.
o Check ‘□ Do Not Count Day Off’’, in case the organization policy dictates that the system will not count days off, if it fell within any requested vacation period.
o Check ‘□ Do Not Count Holiday’, if the organization policy dictates that the system will not count holidays within vacation periods.
o Select the required number of years & ‘From’ date at ‘Yearly Reset’ section, to specify when the system reset counting for this vacation type will.
o Check ‘□ Post to Payroll’, so that taken days from this vacation type can affect “Payroll” calculations.
o Press ‘Save’ link.
o Payroll Interface: Specify the range of days that may affect employees’ earnings via selected paycode.
User can Determines the validation period
from start date to end date, also can attach any file determining its
Description & Entry date.
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