My Daily Work à System Setup à Benefit à Benefit Plans.
1. To add a new record, click New, to change click Edit.
2. To configure a Benefit Plan record, enter the following data:
o Enter & specify plan basic data, Type & used currency.
o Select the required plan criteria; Credit Plan, Multi Option &/or Post to Payroll.
o Plan Options: Select the predefined plan option(s) that will be provided at this benefit plan; along with specifying the option coverage & installment details. In addition, the Items link; provided at this form can be utilized to define the details of the benefit items relevant to the selected option.
o Eligibility Profiles: Select the predefined eligibility profiles that will manage the enrollment criteria at this benefit plan.
o Dependents: Select the Relation Types for the employees’ relatives who can be enrolled at this benefit plan.
o Suppliers: Select the Suppliers who will provide services relevant to this benefit plan.
o Services/Goods: Select the Services & goods that will be provided at this benefit plan.
o Payroll: Apply mapping between benefit items defined at this plan & the required paycode per item, for payroll integration purposes. Enter the percentage for the selected paycode relevant to this benefit item, so that it can be posted to ‘Payroll’, if required.
User can Determines the validation period
from start date to end date, also can attach any file determining its
Description & Entry date.
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