My Daily Work à Mass Actions à Payrollà Bonus Calculation & Distribution
1. This mass action can be utilized to calculate & distribute the annual bonus amount for a group of employees.
2. Specify & apply required search criteria at the provided advanced filter; Searching link.
3. Press Select link to check employees listed, as a result of the applied filtering criteria.
4. Click Apply link to specify batch details, in terms of the following:
o Select the required bonus ‘Paycode’ from the predefined drop down list. Note that, upon selecting the bonus paycde, the system will reload the page & retrieve this ‘Paycode No’ & ‘Input Type’, as per system setup.
o Select the ‘Currency’ which will be used for bonus calculation & disribution.
o Specify the required ‘From’-‘To’ duration; within which the bonus amount will be calculated. Note that, this duration will be entered in terms of (Period) & (Year).
o Specify the ‘Bonus %’ upon which the bonus amount will be calculated for the selected employees, as per the bonus paycode configuration & the specified duration.
5. Click Calculate link to to calculate the salaries & granted bonuses amounts for the selected employees, as per the specified bonus percentage & duration. These calculated salaries & bonus amounts are displayed in terms of ‘Active Employees’, ‘Inactive Employees’ & ‘All Employees’ at the Bonus Amount section.
6. Check calc . based on attendance to calculate the bonus based on the attendance over working time.
7. The results for active , inactive & All employees will appear at the Result fields.
8. Click Post link to post the specified bonus paycode to a batch of employees.
§ The
configuration of the bonus paycode is; (Percentage) Data Type
& Calculated on a (Paycode) or (Paycode Group).
§ The specified duration at this batch will have
an impact on the ‘Calculated on’ (Paycode) or (Paycode Group) value, upon which
the bonus paycode will be calculated.