My Daily Work à Mass Actions à Payroll à Calculate Salary Based on Working Hours

1.      This mass action can be utilized to calculate salaries for a group of employees, as per their actual working hours; detected by time keeping machine(s). Thus, this mass action detects the [signs in] & [signs out] readings, along with the assigned shifts details for the selected group of employees.

2.      Specify & apply required search criteria at the provided advanced filter; Search link.

3.      Press Select link to check listed employees, as a result of the applied filtering criteria.

4.      Click Apply link to specify batch details, in terms of the following:

o   Select required ‘Payroll Group’; to which the selected employees belong. Note that, upon selecting the payroll group, the system will reload the page & retrieve the current period, year & Run number for this payroll group. Also the ‘Start Date’ & ‘End Date’ of the current period will be displayed; dimmed fields.

o   Utilize both of the active ‘Start Date’ & ‘End Date’ fields to specify certain duration within the retrieved current period. Thus, the working hours within this specified duration can be traced & calculated.

o   Select the ‘Paycode’; upon which the cost of the actual working hours will be posted.

o   Mark Overwrite Cost Center Allocation’ option to post the cost of the actual working hours, as per the readings of time keeping machines at all organization locations (Cost Centers). For instance; an employee’s sign in & sign out records may be detected twice via two time keeping machines at two different organization locations. Thus, this mass will detect the working hours at each location, in order to reallocate the working hours cost & divide it among the two relevant cost centers. Accordingly, an employee’s salary will not be allocated as per system setup, yet as per the posted paycode records for the actual working hours; along with reallocating the working hours cost at the relevant cost center(s).

5.      Click Post link to post the required paycode to a batch of employees.


§  This mass action can be applied upon a group of employees who work at more than one ramification or location relevant to the organization. Hence this mass action can be utilized to calculate the actual working hours at each location; along with allocating the working hours cost of each location at its relevant cost center.

§  Each time keeping machine signifies a predefined cost center.

§  A time keeping machine can be connected to a certain cost center via using a code number.

§  The configuration of the posted paycode for the actual working hours is; (Earning) Type & (Hours) Data Type


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