My Daily Work à Mass Actions à Payrollà Get New Hired Employees
1. This mass action can be utilized to accept the newly hired employees; who were hired within the duration specified at the batch, & who have no Payroll History. In other words, this mass action is used to activate the Payroll Status for those newly hired employees. Also, the details relevant to these newly hired employees can be adjusted via using this mass action. For instance; this mass action enables a user to append any number of days for these newly hired employees at the first payroll period, as per their actual working days, in terms of posting non-working or extra working days. Note that, the extra working or non-working adjustment days for these newly hired employees can be applied either via adding the extra working days of the previous period to the current one, or by deducting the non-working days from the current period. Moreover this mass action can be applied to specify the Cost Center per listed newly hired employee.
2. Select the required ‘Payroll Group’ from the predefined drop down list. Accordingly, this mass action will list all newly hired employees who belong to this selected ‘Payroll Group’, as per the specified duration; which should be intersected with the retrieved current period. Also upon selecting the required ‘Payroll Group’, the system will display a suggested number of days for adjustment per employee record at the ‘Days’ grid column. The ‘Days’ column represents the non- working or the extra working days for each newly hired employee. Note that, the system counts the adjusted number of days for a newly hired employee, as per an employee’s ‘Hire Date’ & the standard calendar month (starting from 1st day till the 30th one).
3. Consequently, the system will retrieve the current period/month & year. Also, it will display the ‘Start Date’ & ‘End Date’ for this current period. Note that, the retrieved ‘Start Date’ & ‘End Date’ fields are dimmed & not editable, whereas the adjacent ‘Start Date’ & ‘End Date’ fields are editable & can be utilized to apply filtering upon the loaded newly hired employees.
4. Utilize the editable ‘Start Date’ & ‘End Date’ fields to apply filtering upon the loaded newly hired employees via entering a certain range of dates; which should be intersected with the retrieved current period.
5. Select the required adjusted number of days from the provided drop down list at the ‘Days’ field to be appended to all the newly hired employees listed at this mass action grid. On the other hand, a user can utilize the ‘Days’ column at this mass action grid to change the suggested adjustment number of days per employee to be appended to the preselected number of days at the ‘Days’ drop down list.
6. The grid displays ‘Emp.ID’, ‘Name’, ‘Cost Center’, ‘Hired Date’ & the suggested adjustment number of ‘Days’.
7. You may utilize; Select All, or Deselect All.
8. Verify & edit retrieved data at the grid, via Edit link per record to mark □ Post check box. Note that, this Edit link can be utilized to change the suggested adjustment number of ‘Days’; listed per employee. Also the Edit link can be used to select required ‘Cost Center’ per employee.
9. Click Accept, then confirm by pressing Ok, to accept & activate the selected newly hired employees within the current payroll period, as per the specified data at this mass action.
§ This mass action is usually used at the
beginning of the period; before the end of (Run 1) & before applying the
payroll payment for the current period.
§ A user should differentiate between new
employees hired at different dates, in order to be able to specify the adjusted
number of days to settle the actual working days for these newly hired
employees, as shown in the following cases. Note that, these examples are
applicable, in case the Payroll Period; used at the organization is the
standard calendar period (starting from 1st day till the 30th
one). It’s worth mentioning that, the suggested adjustment number of days;
listed per employee at the ‘Days’ grid column, will be appended to the selected
adjustment number of days at the ‘Days’ drop down list.
§ New employees were hired at the
previous period & were not activated at “Payroll” yet. Accordingly, the
number of their actual working days within the previous period will be added to
the current period (starting from 1st day till the 30th
one) as extra working days with a positive sign.
§ New employees were hired within the
current period on the 16th of July & they were not activated at
“Payroll” yet. Consequently, the system will calculate the non-working days for
these newly hired employees, as per the standard calendar month (starting from
1st day till the 30th one), regardless of the payroll
group period setup. Thus, the system will deduct (15) days as non-working days
from the current payroll period.
§ Note that, an organization may consider
the actual calendar number of days for each month as the applied Payroll
period. On the other hand, an organization may not follow the standard 30 days
payroll month. Accordingly, the adjusted number of days; suggested by the
system at the ‘Days’ column can be changed, as per the actual number of
calendar days for the current month. Thus, this mass action provides the ‘Days’
drop down list for adjustment; starting from (+2) till (-2), in order to enable
a user to adjust the suggested & calculated ‘Days’ column content to match
the actual calendar days.
§ In case the organization applied hiring
& selection at the end of October; which comprises 31 calendar days, then
this mass action will be utilized to post the additional working days for these
newly hired employees to Payroll. Accordingly, a user should differentiate
between employees hired at the 30th & those hired at the 31st
of this month; as shown below.
Hiring Date |
‘Days’ drop down list
for Adjustment |
‘Days’ Column |
30/10 |
Add (1) Day, for the
actual is (2) extra days. |
(1) day |
31/10 |
Add (1) Day, for the actual is (1)
extra day. |
(0) days |
In case paycodes
constituting (Total Salary) are having different account numbers at General
Ledger, then the appointed user will have to configure a (Non-Working Days)
paycode for each relevant (Total Salary) paycode. Note that, extra or
non-working days loaded via this mass action will be posted at the (Non-Working
Days) paycode. Thus it has to be configured as follows: ‘Deduction’,
‘Variable’, ‘Days’, calculated on ‘Paycode’ – Paycode(s)
constituting the Total Salary - & ‘Affected
by Hire Date’.
In case extra
working days will be posted, this mass action will automatically send them with
a positive value. Thus, the additional days will be added to an employee’s
salary & vice versa in case of deducting non-working days. It’s worth
mentioning that the pay slip will automatically allocate the non-working days
paycode, as per its value; if days were deducted, it will be listed under
(Deduction) section, whereas in case extra days were added, it will be listed
under (Earning) section.