My Daily Work à Mass Actions à Payrollà Get Prorated Change of Status

1.      This mass action can be utilized to apply the financial impact of historical “Change of Status” transactions; which are relevant to “Payroll” module & they will be posted upon relevant ‘Prorated Paycodes’ at the current period. This mass action is responsible for spotting & posting all financial changes at previous periods, along with financial changes occurring at the current payroll period. Thus, it will intelligently compare ‘Effective Date’ & ‘New Values’ per change record; along with its payroll value at this very ‘Effective Date’. Consequently, in case there are any discrepancies, then the system will calculate the difference, so that it can be posted upon relevant ‘Prorated Paycodes’ at the current payroll period; in an accumulative manner.

2.      Select the required ‘Payroll Group’ from the predefined drop down list. Accordingly, the system will get all prorated paycodes holding values calculated after spotting discrepancies.

3.      Consequently, the system will retrieve the current period/month & year. Also the system will display the ‘Start Date’ & ‘End Date’ for this current period.

4.      This mass action lists employees’ paycodes’ records which are supposed to have an impact on payroll at previous periods, as per change of status ‘Effective Dates’ & ‘New Values’. Thus, the grid displays the ‘Emp.ID’, ‘Name’, the prorated paycode, its ‘Amount’ & its ‘Actual’ amount at payroll before posting.

5.      You may utilize; Select All, or Deselect All.

6.      Verify & edit retrieved data at the grid, via Edit link per record to mark Post check box.

7.      Check these discrepancies details before posting, via pressing Print link.

8.      Click Post, then confirm by pressing Ok, to apply the impact of these prorated paycodes upon Payroll, as per their set impact during setup.


§  The ‘Prorated Paycodes’; which will be posted by this mass action, are dedicated for handling historical impact on payroll & they shouldn’t have been posted before.

§  Note that, this mass action grid displays only the paycodes which were configured with a check mark at either Accept Data from HR’ &/or Add to Total Salary’ option during system setup.

§  There is a difference between the scope and impact of both ‘Get Prorated Changes’ & ‘Update Payroll with Profile Data’ mass action:

ü ‘Get Prorated Changes’ mass action: This mass action is utilized for applying & posting the financial impact of “Change of Status” transactions upon “Payroll” module at previous periods; if not posted before, along with financial changes taking place at the current payroll period. Moreover, this mass action will be able to calculate accumulative figures for any discrepancy between “Change of Status” & “Payroll”, as per the effective dates. Then, these figures will be posted on relevant ‘Prorated’ paycodes dedicated for handling historical impact on “Payroll”.

ü Update Payroll with Profile Data’ mass action: This mass action is utilized for spotting discrepancies at the current payroll period for all common data between “Profile” and “Payroll” modules; regardless of history.

§  Appointed users should revert to HITS Help Desk Team before using this mass action for the first time. Also in case it was used once, it should be used afterwards on monthly basis.

§  This mass action should be utilized, in case a paycode will be changed for an employee at a certain date; within a payroll period. In other words, an employee’s salary will be calculated based on 2 figures; the old value appended to days before effective date and new value appended to days after effective date within the same period.

§  ‘Update Payroll with Profile’ mass action should be used before the end of the current payroll period; whether before utilizing this mass action or after.



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