; My Daily Work à System Setup à Training à Training Activities.
1. To add a new record, click New, to change click Edit.
2. To configure an Activity record, enter the following data:
o Enter Activity basic information, name, method, total hours, attendees Min/Max count, training required attendance & training pass degree.
o Enter Activity data text, Descriptions, Audience, Objectives, Training Prerequisites & Training Evaluation Method.
o Specify Supplier details & activity Cost details.
o Categories: Select one or more training category to which this activity is relevant.
o Attachments: Append & view the relevant training materials & guides attached.
o Resources: Select the default resources that can be booked for this activity after scheduling; type, resource, Count and check if required.
o Competencies: Select the group of competencies that will be affected after attending such a training activity after scheduling; in terms of specifying the estimated competencies levels shift after training.
o Subjects: Select proper subjects, which can be handled at this activity whenever scheduled to an event. Note that, this selected list will be retrieved at relevant activities.
User can Determines the validation period
from start date to end date, also can attach any file determining its
Description & Entry date.