My Daily Work à Mass Actions à Training à Training Needs Collection

1.      This mass action can be utilized to collect employees training needs. These training needs are collected, either as per required levels range specified at Position & Job Competencies, or as per appraisal Recommendations; or as per both competencies gaps & recommendations.

2.      Select one of the three provided ‘Training needs Collection’ options; ‘ from Competencies’, ‘ from Appraisal Recommendations’ or ‘ Both’.

3.      Specify the grid dimension(s) at which the system will display the training needs; in terms of number of trainees & number of occurrences per activity. Thus, a user may revert to any of the predefined budgets or specify the required dimension(s) using the batch itself. Utilize From Budget’ option to manage the required budget dimensions & the order by which they will be displayed, as follows:

o   Check þ From Budget’ option to retrieve the predefined dimensions of the selected ‘Plan’ & ‘Budget’.

o   Uncheck From Budget’ option to arrange the required dimension(s), as per business logic; via entering the numbers from (1) up to (5) at the provided fields.

4.      Press Load link to display training activity details & the number of employees who need to attend each listed training activity.

5.      Utilize the Export link to change any of the following system loaded data:

o   The number of occurrences that will be scheduled for each listed training activity. (As per count of employees in need of training & the maximum number of students who should attend each activity)

o   The number of trainees in terms of males & females, if required. (As per Appraisal Recommendations, Competencies gaps or both)

o   Enter the estimated training activity ‘Start Date’ & ‘End Date’ range, whenever scheduled. (will be used only when applying Get Training Plan Activities as Event mass action)

6.      Press Export link to export the displayed training needs data to an excel sheet. Hence, exported data can be used at any of the following:

                          i)          Apply scheduling: import this file with start & end dates per activity to Get Training Plan Activities as Event mass action.

                         ii)          Save this data at the relevant ‘Training Plan’, and then prepare its budget via pressing ‘Load from Plan’ link at ‘Training Budget’ form. Afterwards, Training scheduling can take place as mentioned at the previous step.


§  This mass action displays training needs data, as per various criteria. These criteria can be illustrated as follows:


ü  The columns which precede the ‘Training Activity Occurrence’ column will be displayed, as per the predefined Budget Dimensions of the selected plan, in case of selecting þ From Budget’ option. However, if From Budget’ option is not selected, these columns will be displayed, as per the dimensions specified at this mass action.

ü  The estimated number of ‘Training Activity Occurrence’ is given by the system via applying a comparison between the predefined Max Students number for each ‘Training Activity’ & the trainees’ numbers in need of training; displayed at ‘Trainees1’ &/or ‘Trainees 2’ columns; which signify the number of employees who need to attend this ‘Training Activity’.

ü  The number of employees who need to attend this ‘Training Activity’ will be calculated & displayed at ‘Trainees 1’ & ‘Trainees 2’ columns. Note that, this number is based on the selected Training Needs Collection’ option; provided at the top of this mass action form.

ü  Utilize the exported file of this mass action during scheduling, with entered ‘Start Date’ & ‘End Date’ columns, via applying Get Training Plan Activities as Event mass action, to enter the ‘Start Date’ & ‘End Date’; per record for the training activities which will be scheduled & posted as Training Events setup records. Note that, these two columns are always displayed blank.

ü  A user can export the data provided by this mass action, in order to load it at the proper ‘Training Plan’ data & save it for a certain period. Afterwards, a user can apply relevant Budgeting through pressing ‘Load from Plan’ link. Then, scheduling can take place via Get Training Plan Activities as Event mass action.


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