My Daily Work à Mass Actions à Payrollà Get Vacation Records

1.      This mass action can be utilized, in order to apply the financial impact of vacation records; Taken & Due Adjustment, on payroll - whether within the current or previous period.

2.      Select the required period within which vacation records will be retrieved at the grid below, whether Current Period’ or ‘ Previous Period’. Hence, the system will post the amounts of the previous period’s vacation records upon the ‘Prorated’ paycode; specified during the vacation paycode setup. Thus, the amount of this paycode will be posted upon an employee’s earnings of the current period/month. Hence, ‘ Previous Period option can be selected, in case an appointed user has not applied the financial impact of vacation records at the previous period, or in case it was applied inaccurately.

3.      Select the required ‘Payroll Group’ from the predefined drop down list. Accordingly, the system will get all vacation records within the current/previous period for the employees who belong to the selected payroll group. Note that, all the retrieved vacation records have a financial impact on employees’ payroll within the current/previous period.

4.      Consequently, the system will retrieve the current or previous period/month, year & run number. Moreover, the system will display the ‘Start Date’ & ‘End Date’ for either the current period or the previous one, as per the selected option at step (2).

5.      This mass action lists the vacation records which are relevant to the current period or the previous one. Thus, the grid displays the ‘Emp.ID’, ‘Name’, the paycode upon which the vacation type is posted, its ‘Input Amount’ & its equivalent amount; in terms of money which will be deducted from an employee’s payroll, as per ‘Vacation Type’ setup. Moreover, this grid lists the ‘Actual Input Amount’ for the vacation paycode at payroll before posting.

6.      You may utilize; Select All, Deselect All, Select Current Page or Deselect Current Page.

7.      Verify & edit retrieved data at the grid, via Edit link per record to mark Post check box.

8.      Check vacation details affecting payroll before posting, via pressing Print link.

9.      Click Post, then confirm by pressing Ok, to apply the impact of these vacation records upon Payroll, as per their set impact during setup.


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